With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

18-06-04 bio-effects will result,” Bunker said. “As an example, high-powered microwaves (HPM) targeted at humans can...

郭雪芙首出辑 不怕比较李毓芬

18-06-01 郭雪芙推出首张个人EP《LOVE乐芙》,因为开工后一直没有时间好好放假,她特别许愿希望来个“邮轮之旅”,尤其期待船上没有通讯的时候,逗笑全场。这次到巴黎拍摄,当时还巧遇一位画著老虎脸谱的小男孩...

The Wonder of Music Lies in Its Virtue

18-06-04 ”. If we take a look at our traditional culture, we will find that China has always been a tolerant...

Confucius, Virtue and Selecting a Place of Residence

18-05-28 Confucius, Virtue and Selecting a Place of Residence Confucius said, “When you look for residence...

Leaked Document Reveals Informant Culture on China’s Campuses

18-05-28 they hear words from a teacher that is different from what they were taught, they will instinctually go...

Takeover of Portuguese Utility Firm Latest Power Grab by China

18-05-28 grid operator. EDP also has assets in Brazil, United States, and Spain.The deal will require approval...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 3)

18-05-27 government affairs, he always went to teach his students.  Cheng Yi served as a tutor to the emperor. He...

Experts Forecast Dark Days Ahead for China’s Trade

18-05-19 announced that it will shut down its digital camera factory in Shenzhen, and relocate production to...

Three Stories of the Virtue of Emperor Taizong

18-05-18 wrong, I should be responsible for it. If you understand this, then stop harming the masses of people....

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 2)

18-05-18 his character of not flattering nobility and of always maintaining his true character. Zhou wrote, “I...


18-05-16 达成协议?当然现在临近了加关税的实施截止日,第二轮谈判肯定要有一些更务实的内容,达成初步协议的可能性比月初要大,5月8号川普和习近平通电话也可能直接谈到了中兴,川普在推文中说good things will...

Chinese Communist Party Sets Up VR Technology for Testing Party Members’ Loyalty

18-05-21 are printed in another room. Based on their scores, the center will judge where Party members are...

Trump Seeks to Claw Back $15 Billion in Useless Spending

18-05-12 to Congress on May 8, he will seek to do something about it with a historically large rescission...

Why Millions’ Worth of Precision Instruments at Prestigious      Chinese University Suddenly Stopped Working

18-05-12 , will start running in 2019.Tsinghua University, another elite Chinese university, faces a similar...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 1)

18-05-12 water to drink, and with my bent arm as a pillow, I still have joy in the midst of these things. Riches...

蓬佩奥赴朝 金正恩访华 川金会已定

18-05-09 ;twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I am pleased to...

Obama White House Holdover Smeared Trump Veteran Affairs Pick: Report

18-05-07 people of Montana will not stand for this kind of slander when talking of a great human being. Admiral...

国民主持刘在锡 推荐智孝做侦探

18-05-07 《Busted!韩星齐斗智(Busted!I Know Who You Are)》是Netflix第一个打造的原创韩国综艺节目,即将在5月4日登场。节目当中,除了王牌刘在锡之外,还找来搞笑能手李光洙...

Ancient Parenting Philosophy: Emphasis on Virtue and Moral Behavior (Part 3)

18-05-03 are the main principles for a ruler to follow. They will determine whether the nation is peaceful or...

Three Stories Illustrate How A Sin is Committed With Even One Thought of Lust (Part 2)

18-05-03 have an affair with her, I will be deprived of any fortunate outcome in the exam by heaven. I have to...

陈思璇澎湖婚纱秀  对象一定要彼此了解

18-04-27 中央社伊林名模陈思璇受邀参加“澎湖YES, I DO”婚纱秀,她自嘲穿婚纱次数多到数不清,但现实生活中,却离婚姻超级远,至今已经单身4年,期间有不少男性追求,但怎样都聊不来,曾有白目追求者当她...

Ancient Parenting Philosophy: Emphasis on Virtue and Moral Behavior (Part 2)

18-04-25 now will stay with you for your entire life.” Yan Zhitui also taught his children that they must keep...

Three Stories Illustrate How A Sin is Committed With Even One Thought of Lust (Part 1)

18-04-25 a scholar named Zhao Yongzhen. When he was young, he met a fortune-teller who told him, “You will surely win...

Emperor Kangxi's Views of Kindness

18-04-25 a thought is evil and one corrects it right away, one will not stray from the righteous path. The book Shang...

19 Years Later, New Yorkers Remember Historic April 25 Appeal in China

18-04-25 still remains in the mind of Zhaohe You, now 65.“We just stood there peacefully the whole time. We...

Bill Gates Backs Company that Plans to Video Record Everything on Earth, All the Time

18-04-25 satellites, you will see events unfold as they happen in realtime.”But the impressive scale of the...

California Moves One Step Closer to Dividing Into 3 States

18-04-25 make its way onto the 2018 ballot, which means it will be voted on Nov 8.According to the initiative...


18-04-24 indistinct and driftingWith Zi You nowhere to be found.I want to ride upon a donkeyOr sail along the riverTo...


18-04-19 》 I Feel Pretty这是一部2018年美国喜剧片,由仙境影视公司和Vision and Voltage影业出品。艾比·科恩(Abby Kohn)和马克·西尔弗斯坦共同执导兼编剧,艾米·舒默主演...


18-04-19 、布希维克(Bushwick)、贝福德-史岱文森(Bedford-Stuyvesant)等地。本次灭鼠行动的十处公屋,分别是:Bushwick、Webster、Marcy、Butler、Morris I...

Ancient Sages Transforms Others by Acting Righteously

18-04-19 obedience to his mother. He said to his own mother, “Mother, I am wrong. I will mend my comportment. From...

Bitcoin Is a Bubble, and It’s Not

18-04-18 them.According to economists Nouriel Roubini and Paul Krugman, bitcoin will fall to zero and the whole crypto...

Ancient Parenting Philosophy: Emphasis on Virtue and Moral Behavior (Part 1)

18-04-18 standing in the yard alone. I walked to him. He asked me, 'Have you studied the Book of Songs yet...


18-04-15 goesNothing is here foreverI was born into this world as a travelerEqually bewildered when I arrived as when I...

Revive the Divinely Inspired Culture and Appreciate Its Significance (Part 3)  

18-04-16 fundamental in the world; achieving harmony will keep the road clear and smooth. When harmony is achieved...

Beijing Will Launch ‘Short, Sharp War’ To Take Senkaku Islands from Japan, Report Says

18-04-15 officials and military officers are cited as evidence that aggression will come between the years of 2020 to...

The Foundation of Education

18-04-16 reached such a level? He gave a rather unique answer, “I’m very interested in pursuing the Dao, much more...

One Prospers in Calamities and Perishes in Comfort

18-04-14 distressed and perplexed, they will rise up and achieve great accomplishments. When people have seen and...

Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Cultivation Practice

18-04-06 I only charge you half the price. If you practice Falun Gong, you will have a healthy mind and body...

He Qinglian: In the China–US Trade War, How Much Will China Lose?

18-04-06 how there is still a 60-day consultation period, one will understand that actually there is room for...